Intermission, sweet rolls and hot drinks in the cafeteria!
Preparing for demo release
The beginning part of the game has been almost ready for release as a short demo for quite a while. But it was missing some polish that I am working on now.
City hall scene exterior 3D modeling (city hall part 4)
This scene is a bit different from your basic scene, as it has a lot of traffic and a functional maglev system. So this is actually a replacement scene for the maglev station when you travel to the city hall.
Sub Surface Scattering
Quick sub surface scattering solution with Unity URP shader graph.
Cloth Sim
It was always my goal to use cloth sim on the character. The hair, the small pouch and the jacket just screamed to be made dynamic.
The Adventure Game Hotspot Podcast
I was recently interviewed on the Adventure Game Hotspot podcast. We talked about Echoes of Somewhere and the potential and the limits of using AI for game production.
Building a Puzzle
Building Adventure Game Puzzles is fun. This is a very complete breakdown of creating a bathroom scene with its puzzle in under 2 days! (Spoiler alert!)
Custom post-process effect: Anamorphic Bloom
Anamorphic bloom is for sure the most cyberpunk aesthetic there is. I wanted to use it as a use case for learning how to create post process materials for Unity URP. This post explains the process.
Rendering custom shadows with URP shader graph & apartment ext location
As I upgraded the render pipeline for the game, I noticed that my custom shadow rendering shaders turned pink. It was time to transition from custom HLSL shading for the environments to a more modern shader graph based approach.
Additional effects for the apartment scene
I have been working on the apartment for absolutely forever! I have begun to approach this room as a vertical slice for the game. This post is about some of the features I added this week: simulated cool air mist and fluorescent light flicker.