XR AI spotlight
I was interviewed for XR AI Spotlight a few months back. here is the full interview.
Games Now! Podcast
A further Questions -podcast episode in regards to my AI presentation last year.
Simple camera controller+
I had created a very simple camera controller for the city hall interior scene. But it was not very usable in other scenes. So I rewrote the code and made it universal and a lot easier to use!
Footsteps audio refactoring
I upgraded my rather simple footsteps audio system to a fully fledged surface type / character type retrieval setup that I can expand in the editor. The old system had hard coded arrays, but this new one is user editable directly in editor!
AI assisted location: Hamburger restaurant
In the first big puzzle hub, one of the non-linear storylines takes you to a hamburger restaurant. There will be a big, hamburger related puzzle in there! But this week, we talk about creating the AI assisted location.
Closeup camera angles
With Magnific now being able to upscale all the way up to 16x I wanted to try closeup camera angles for the game.
Preparing for demo release
The beginning part of the game has been almost ready for release as a short demo for quite a while. But it was missing some polish that I am working on now.
Project update week #46
I have now been working on this project for 46 weeks. Posting an update every week. But this week was a bit different!
Using Midjourney editing tools (city hall part 2)
Sometimes these locations require more art direction. More specific features. In these cases, a lot more work is required. Here is a breakdown for how to use Midjourney editing tools to direct the image generation.
Steam’s stance on generative AI: The AI paradox
For the longest time there has been murmurs that Valve has been rejecting games with generative AI content from their Steam store. Let’s take a look into it!